Emergency Management and Evacuation Plans
Maintaining a fully compliant Emergency Management Plan is essential in fulfilling the requirements of the Australian Standards.
First 5 Minutes creates bespoke Emergency Management Plans for all facility types ensuring our clients are compliant with Australian Standards; have the correct policies and procedures in place to respond to any emergency quickly and safely.
We develop Emergency Management Plans for facilities and individual personal evacuation plans.
What type of emergency management plan do you need?
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans
Plan for people who may need assistance when responding to an emergency
For the millions of Australians with special needs, an emergency presents a real challenge. First 5 Minutes can help you plan ahead so that people with special needs, care providers and first responders can respond quickly and safely when an emergency alarm is raised in a facility.
To be fully compliant with the Australian Standard AS 3745-2010: Planning for Emergencies in Facilities, a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) should be included as part of your overall Emergency Evacuation Plan and emergency evacuation checklist. A PEEP is an individualised emergency plan designed especially for an occupant with a special need who may need assistance during an evacuation.
Tailored to every need
As identified by the Australian Standard
Our highly qualified and experienced specialists can assist building owners, managers and occupiers in developing fully compliant personal emergency evacuation plans, tailored to suit every person’s type of special need or disability within the facility. As identified by the Australian Standard, we can help you create a personal emergency evacuation plan for occupants:
- Accompanied by an assistant
- Having a guide or companion animal
- Having an ambulatory disability
- Using a wheeled mobility appliance
- Using alternative forms of information and communication
- Who are easily fatigued
- Who easily experience acute anxiety in an emergency
- Who easily experience extreme confusion in an emergency